A flexible service ...
A4 Solutions adapts to the needs of its customers and is involved from time to time (filing, archiving , etc ...) or regular (estimate emission, invoices, and payments reminders, customer base management, etc ...). The traditional communication tools (mobile phone, email , etc ... ) are used in order to work remotely, but A4 Solutions also offers to intervene directly in the office of its customers.
... Of an independent secretary
"Alongside entrepreneurs for more than 10 years with my position of recruitement officer in a temporary working agency, I have found, by managing their staff recruitement (interview, recruitement) and by ensuring their administrative follow-up (administrative declarations, contracts of employment, payroll preparation and invoices, follow-up of the regulations), that the lack of time and the work on the ground were the main problems encountered in dealing efficiently with the administrative tasks of a company.
By creating A4 Solutions, I wanted to put my experience, my autonomy, my versatility and my rigor at the service of artisans and small and very small compagnies in order to free them from the administrative constraints."